Frequently Asked Questions

Use the web page

How can I display the text?

Hover the image on computers. Click the image on mobile devices.

How can I hide the text on mobile devices?

Click the image again (not on the text).

How can I follow the html link?

When clicking on the displayed text, a new window will open with details about the plant.

About the flowers

What books do you use?

The books I use most are:
- Was blüht am Mittelmeer?: German.
- Les principals plantes per a la salut d'Eivissa i Fomentera: Catalan.
- Bonnes et mauvaises herbes: Editions Curé-herboriste Künzle SA 1978.
- Ces plantent qui guérissent: Ringier & Cie SA 1976.
- Geheimnisse und Heilkräfte der Pflanzen: Verlag Das Beste GmbH 1978.
- Mon jardin de plantes médicinales: Larousse 2014.
- Plantes sauvages comestibles: éditions Artéis 2013.

What web pages do you use?

The web sites I use most are:
- Herbario Virtual del Mediterráneo Occidental: Castilian/Catalan/English.
- Flora silvestre del Mediterráneo: Castilian.
- FloraCatalana: Catalan.
- Tela Botanica: French/English.
- Flore Alpes: French.
- The Plant List: English.

How (and where) do you take the pictures?

When I'm walking around Formentera, I've taken macros of nearly every flower I can see. Back at home, I find out what it is and publish it to the web.

What are these languages?

Latin, Catalan, Castilian, French and German. The Latin names are aligned with The Plant List.

Why do I see "..." instead of the name?

That happens when I couldn't find the common name.

What are the different versions?

- Order-Genus: sort by Order-Genus-Latin names.
- Latin: sort by Latin names.
- Catalan / Spanish / French / German: sort by a given language.
- Color: sort by flowers color.

Making of & Software

What software do you use to create the web site?

Nothing else than a better text editor to write the code and a simple picture editor to resize these images (Preview).

Why did you create this web page?

The first version was "just for fun" to learn some new CSS commands. After several comments about enhancements, I changed the concept and made a fully usable page.

What technologies are used?

There's only one PHP page that does everything:
- it reads into an array a CSV file containing all the information;
- it sorts the array using the specified column;
- it generates the HTML code that displays the gallery.

Interface Problems

What browsers are supported?

Any newer browser should support that page.

Why is it that slow to load the page?

It always takes time to download more than 50 pictures...