Need some new links?

MOUNTAINS | | | Description of nearly all the treks I've done. | | Swiss maps and orthophotos. |
MeteoSwiss | Swiss weather. | | Swiss snow and avalanche infos. |
GeoPortail IGN | Maps and orthophotos from France. |
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Guia Formentera | All the information you need. |
Spanish maps | All the maps you need. |
Agencia Estatal de Meteorología | Spanish weather. |
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info flora | Flower index in French, German and Italian (Switzerland). |
Tela Botanica | Flower index in French and English (France). |
Herbari Virtual del Mediterrani Occidental | Flower index in Catalan, Castilian and English (Spain). |
Flora Catalana | Flower index in Catalan (Spain). |
Flora silvestre del Mediterráneo | Flower index in Castilian (Spain). |
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Oiseaux | Bird index in French and English (France). |
vogelwarte | Bird index in French, German, Italian and English (Switzerland). |
Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune (CSCF) | Fauna index in French, German and Italian (Switzerland). |
Liste des mammifères en Suisse (Wiki) | Mammals index in French. |
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